

Mpact Girls Club is a program designed to win girls to Jesus Christ through love and acceptance. Mpact Girls Club provides an environment of support and accountability   while helping girls to develop their gifts and abilities. In addition, girls build lifelong relationships with mentors who encourage girls to be spiritual leaders.

Mpact consists of three clubs, all of which meet on Wednesday night at 7:00:
– Daisies serves girls in Kindergarten
– Prims serves girls in grades 1 – 2
– Stars serves girls in grades 3 – 5

Each club teaches biblical principles in an age appropriate manner. The curriculum for each club is set up as an achievement program giving the girls opportunities to earn certificates, badges, and medals of honor. For more information about Mpact Girls Club’s national organization, please click here.

If you have any questions about Mpact Girls, please contact us.


Royal Rangers is a mentoring program for future men. We provide Christ like character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment. Our mission is to evangelize, equip, and empower the next generation of Christ like men and lifelong servant leaders.

Royal Rangers consists of two clubs, both of which meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:00
– Ranger Kids serves boys in grades K-2
– Discovery Rangers serves boys in grades 3-5

The mentoring methods include but are not limited to: friendship, activities, advancement system, interactive learning, and service and ministry outreach. For more info please click here.

Royal Rangers meet Wednesdays at 7pm.